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Campus observing normal operating hours

Should an emergency arise, this page will be updated with relevant information.

Emergency: 911 (Call or Text)
CU Boulder Police Department


Shooting Incident at 1300 Canyon

[12:21 a.m. | Tuesday, February 28 ]

CU EMERGENCY ALERT 5: CU family housing cleared. Resume normal activities. 

Suspect has not been located. CU Boulder Police will continue to have increased visibility in the area around CU family housing at Folsom St./Newton Ct. throughout the night. Call CUPD to report any suspicious activity (911 in emergency or 303-492-6666 for non-emergencies). Call Boulder Police with suspect information at 303-441-3333. Follow @boulderpolice for more info on the investigation. 

[11:50 p.m. | Monday, February 27 ]

CU EMERGENCY ALERT 4: CU family housing residents remain inside. Avoid Boulder Creek Path at Folsom St./Newton Ct. Large police presence. 

[11:20 p.m. | Monday, February 27 ]

CU EMERGENCY ALERT 3: Avoid Boulder Creek path near Folsom St./Newton Ct. Large police presence. Stay inside.  Follow @boulderpolice for more info.  


[11:00 p.m. | Monday, February 27]

CU EMERGENCY ALERT 2: Suspect described as in his 20s, no facial hair, long brown hair covering eyes, heavy winter coat. Suspect reported near CU family housing, 17th and Athens. Lock doors and close windows. Follow @boulderpolice for more info.  


[10:26 p.m. | Monday, February 27]

CU EMERGENCY ALERT: Boulder investigating shooting at 1300 Canyon. Heavy police activity. Avoid area. Suspect info - white male heavy set, dark hair, large coat Follow @BoulderPolice for more.